

Track-Mounted with Infeed Conveyor

We invested in this equipment, and have done so because it broadens the scope of service we can provide to you. In addition to providing you the same benefits as the track-mounted chipper described above, this piece includes an infeed conveyor that is only fed with an excavator with a large claw-like Fix-mounted grapple to grab random material and tree trunks up to 20″ in diameter and feed it into the processing bin.

This keeps the crew from compromising their safety when working in steep or craggy areas or when processing challenging materials such as larger, denser masses of brush and tree trunks that are too heavy for men to lift into the machine.

This chipper is operated by remote control that allows independent operation of the unit, which is important in areas where precise navigation is necessary – terrain that is extremely steep, heavily treed, somewhat muddy or have an abundance of cliffs and craggy rocks.

Since the tracks on these units are rubber-clad, they can cross concrete and asphalt without damaging the surface, and won’t leave gauge marks in your land like wheels can. Our track-mounted chippers also include a winch that allows material to be “towed” up steep hillsides and into the feed bin, a feat that would be impossible for a conventional chipper.

Track-Mounted Chippers

This machine processes brush and tree limbs and trunks up to 20″ diameter into chipped mulch material. The track-mounting aspect has several advantages over a conventional truck-towed unit.

The track-mounted feature allows the chipper to operate in steep areas that are logistically impractical or physically impossible for a truck-towed unit. Our chipper is operated by remote control, which allows the unit to simply “follow” the crew as they move along, eliminating the logistics and resulting inefficiencies that are involved with a truck-towed unit. Consequently, the crew can cover a lot more ground in any given period of time.


Our excavators are setup with fixed rotating grapples to feed chippers, shear brush and trees up to 12″ in diameter, and mastication.


This piece of equipment is designed to mow and shred brush, such as blackberries, Manzanita, scrub trees and Toyon, as well as tall grasses. It is a cost-effective way to process large expanses of land and is suited to flat and gently sloping conditions. It cannot operate in steeper conditions or rocky soil. The processed material left by the masticator is larger and shredded in appearance versus a finer-chipped mulch product.

Stump Grinder

Our stump grinder is a versatile high volume stump cutter. The innovative unique machine gives you an unmatched combination of cutting power, maneuverability, and productivity. Many unique proprietary design features make it the perfect choice for high volume residential and light clearing applications.

Our stump grinder is powered by a 250HP John Deere engine.