Transform Your Overgrown Property Into a Parklike Setting!

Whether or not you’ve ever had clearing work done on your property, it can be confusing and overwhelming to know what to do to make it safer and more attractive. The first step toward action is to identify what your goals are. While there are many different conditions that must be addressed on your property to achieve your vision, most of our client’s goals fall into one of four main categories, listed below.
In the interest of helping you fulfill your goals, we have a variety of equipment to meet a variety of needs, and can assign up to a 12-member crew to your job so the skill is placed where needed and various tasks can be done simultaneously. To learn about other things we do to make your project successful, visit the “Why Choose Us” section of the About Us page.
Information about our equipment and crew is available on our “Commercial” page.
Land Clearing Services
Do you avoid looking out your back window because your property is an ugly mess? Do you long for the park-like setting you’ve seen in photos and magazines? You may be surprised to discover the potential your property has. Perhaps you already have a vision in mind, but if not, we suggest taking a walk on your land to consider these possibilities:
• Reveal interesting and dramatic features, such as boulder outcroppings, creek beds, and trees with artistic-looking branch patterns.
• Increase your visibility of natural beauty such as lakes, rivers, creeks, canyons, and ridges.
• Increase your home’s curb appeal, either for your own enjoyment or for others if you’re considering putting it on the market.
Often, there are a variety of tasks that must take place in order to give you ideal setting, including tree removal, trimming up of tree limbs and branches, brush removal, and even poison oak removal and weed abatement. We can provide as many or as few of these tasks as your project demands.
If you’re planning on building a home, or considering a different structure such as a shop, barn, or sports area, chances are there are trees or brush that is growing right where you want to put it. Often, there are a variety of tasks that must take place in order to give you ideal building conditions, including tree removal, trimming up of tree limbs to increase clearance you need below, brush removal, and even poison oak removal. We can provide as many or as few of these tasks as your project demands.
Have you ever considered using your land for more than just the house and garage? Why not make the most of your acreage by increasing its usability… and enjoyment! Extend your backyard or create places for sitting areas, play yards, playhouses, a pool, sports activities, ponds, flower or vegetable gardens, sheds, shops or barns, and walking paths. We can help you maximize the use of your land by thinning out densely-treed areas, removing brush or getting rid of nuisances like poison oak and blackberries to make room for better utility. We can provide as many or as few of these tasks as your project demands.
Is your property a fire just waiting to happen? We’ve all heard it before: all it takes is one spark to ignite a patch of brush or a pile of leaves and the resulting damage to your land – or worse, to your home – can be devastating. The first step in taking action is identifying hazardous conditions on your site. You’ll also learn three good reasons you shouldn’t put off clearing your property to reduce fire risk – one you’re hopefully familiar with, but the other two could be surprises that you don’t want to neglect.